
VIOSY continuously strives to improve the way it operates, in all possible aspects: increasing market share, driving down costs, managing risk more effectively or improving customer satisfaction. A quality management system is necessary to provide a framework capable to monitor and improve performance in the area of activity.
ISO 9001 is by far the world’s most established quality framework, currently being used by almost one million organizations in more than 160 countries, and sets the standard not only for quality management systems, but management systems in general.

VdS-Approval of products is done on the basis of a positive testing report of VdS laboratories. Product-specific requirements are normally more stringent than those of DIN, EN or ISO and are specified in the VdS Guidelines.
VIOSY VdS-approved products are subject to diverse product monitoring measures, even after having been type tested, like for instance execution of product audits in manufacturing facilities with subsequent sampling and on-site inspection or inspection in the VdS laboratories.

VIOSY batteries are also certified by UL, which is the trusted resource across the globe for product safety certification and compliance solutions.
Benefiting a range of customers - from manufacturers and consumers to regulatory bodies and code officials – UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES have tested products for public safety for more than a century.